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Fiber Optic Solutions


YM235 Optical Fiber Network Protection Switch (Standalone)

YM235 Optical Power Monitoring and Switching Device provides users monitoring and switching capabilities for fiber networks. The device offers telecom , CATV and high speed data users a flexible , non-instrusive way to detect physical plant degradation and provide security for central location or remote fiber rings.

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YM236 Optical Fiber Network Protection Switch (Rackmount)

YM236 Optical Power Monitoring and Switching Device provides users monitoring and switching capabilities for fiber networks. The device offers telecom , CATV and high speed data users a flexible , non-instrusive way to detect physical plant degradation and provide security for central location or remote fiber rings.

Application Diagram

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YM232 Remote Fiber Test System (RFTS)

The RFTS is a state-of-the-art system for administering networks of fiber optic cables. RFTS incorporates the latest in advanced embedded OTDR technology into a remotely accessed test unit called the Monitor Test Unit (MTU) to quickly allocate the fiber fault location.

Application Diagram

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T1 / E1 Solutions  

YM608 T1 / E1 Automatic Protection Switch (Standalone)

YM608 T1/E1 Protection Switch provides cost effective self-healing network in the event of out of frame , excessive bit error rate or loss of signal for any reason , including cable cuts , equipment failures or signal degradation. It is an T1/E1 circuit monitor , control and switching solution. It also offers the ability to activate backup circuit automatically to ensure the comuinuity of service.

Application Diagram

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YM609 T1 / E1 Automatic Protection Switch (Rackmount)

The RFTS is a state-of-the-art system for administering networks of fiber optic cables. RFTS incorporates the latest in advanced embedded OTDR technology into a remotely accessed test unit called the Monitor Test Unit (MTU) to quickly allocate the fiber fault location.

Application Diagram

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